Sunday, April 15, 2012

Break Is Over :((( AWWWWH

Spring Break is almost coming to an end, meaning one week less until this final project is over. In this duration of time, one new article has been finished. The subject: Vectors. Oooo, fun stuff. Also, Loc and Thomas created a mini-Matrix type of video. Yvonne and I didn’t make it to the meet-up day on Easter, so we’re not featured in it. The next two videos for sure! (-: So, we’re set for the article and video due on the Monday we get back from break. Progress in our project is coming along really well actually. Woo! Go trig!


Our vacation is almost over.

We’re smiling but we’re close to tears
even after all these years,
We just now got the feeling
that we’re meeting
For the first time

I am not anxious for school at all.



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