Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Can't Wait Till Break!!!! :D

Three days ‘til break. We’ve gotten two articles done so far, much thanks to Loc and Thomas. I’m still thinking about how to make a comic. Working on a crossword puzzle. It’s harder than I thought it’d be. Much like the comic.
I thought I could get away with sitting around and playing Jenga by myself until the last minute, where a sudden burst of genius would come with enough ideas to supply seven factories and a power plant.
Now I’m not sure if I have enough ideas to power a solar panel. On the sun.

Maybe I’ll write a horoscope page. I have this gut feeling that Cancers are feeling very generous and will have a good and successful life ahead of them. They will also most likely win the lottery. Only if their generous mood is sustained. Until May. The 25th.



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