Friday, April 27, 2012

Time Oh Time !

Time is running out!
Our project is coming along really well. We received our scores on the second video and the last article we turned in. Very good scores! So proud of this group! (: Saturday, we plan to work on our third video. It will be a mix of the first and second video: The Matrix themed video and the clean, simple tutorial video. I can’t get into too much detail about our final video, but stay tuned! (; I hope I can stay for at least an hour on the meeting day, because I have so many family plans throughout the whole day. …I still need to finish the three website reviews! I have been lagging on it because of all the schoolwork, but I will most likely finish it by this weekend. Approximately 11 more days until May 7!! As the due date comes closer and closer, the less schooldays we have for our 2011-2012 school year.


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